Meet Your Trusted Orthodontists in King

Your Local Board-Certified Orthodontist

Meet Dr. Bisig

Dr. Bisig and his wife, Courtney, have been connected to Winston-Salem for over a decade, visiting family in the area multiple times a year. Being close to family is what makes this new chapter so exciting for them.

Dr. Bisig is excited to join the Bisig + Chermak family and to continue providing the gold standard of service that has become synonymous with our brand.

  • Board-certified by the American Board of Orthodontics
  • Diamond+ Invisalign provider
king orthodontist
From 2001-Today

Meet Dr. Chermak

Dr. Chermak has been practicing orthodontics and crafting smiles in Winston-Salem, Clemmons, and King since 2001. He met his wife, Marci, in Raleigh, NC. They have been married for 20 years and have two boys, Stephen and Pierce. The family has a passion for traveling all over the world. The Chermaks have enjoyed living in Winston-Salem and being a part of their community.

For Dr. Chermak, the biggest reward of being an orthodontist is knowing that he’s helped change someone’s life by creating a beautiful smile that the patient can be proud of.

orthodontist winston salem

Your Expert Orthodontists in King

At our King orthodontic practice, our highly skilled orthodontists are dedicated to providing you with exceptional care. With years of specialized training and a passion for creating beautiful smiles, you can trust that you're in capable hands.

winston salem braces

Orthodontists vs. Dentists: The Specialized Advantage

While both dentists and orthodontists play crucial roles in maintaining oral health, orthodontists specialize in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. Unlike general dentists, orthodontists undergo additional years of specialized training focused on aligning teeth and jaws. This makes them the go-to experts for treatments like braces and clear aligners. When it comes to straightening your teeth and improving your smile, the specialized skills of an orthodontist are indispensable.

The Life-Changing Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment offers a myriad of benefits that go beyond just a beautiful smile. Here's how it can positively impact various aspects of your life:

Physical Benefits

Improved Oral Health: Straight teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.
Better Function: Proper alignment ensures optimal jaw function, reducing strain and preventing TMJ disorders.

Mental and Emotional Benefits

Boosted Self-Esteem: A beautiful smile can significantly boost your confidence, making you more willing to show off your grin.

Reduced Anxiety: Knowing that your teeth look great can reduce social anxiety and make you more outgoing.

Social and Professional Benefits

Enhanced First Impressions: A radiant smile can make you more attractive and approachable, which is beneficial in both social and professional settings.

Career Opportunities: Believe it or not, a great smile can even impact your career. Many employers view a healthy smile as a sign of reliability and competence.

Personal Benefits

Quality of Life: The cumulative effect of all these benefits leads to an overall better quality of life. You'll find yourself participating more in social activities, taking on new challenges, and simply enjoying life more.

Take the First Step to a Better Smile Today!

Your journey to a radiant, life-changing smile starts here. At our King orthodontic practice, your care and comfort are our top priorities. Schedule your free consultation today and let us guide you to the smile you've always dreamed of.